w o r t h e f f o r t woodworking

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Seared Turned Pear Bowl

Turning wooden bowls can be a relaxing way to end a hard day at work and in about an hour you can come back inside with a small piece of functional art that will sure to bring a smile to your family. This video is a practice/experiment short. Otherwise known as our semi-weekly artsy-fartsy short film, It's about turning a seared pear bowl from a pear tree. These entertainment videos are fundraisers and promotional material for our little school to help pay rent and subsidize a planned more ambitious monthly series of classes targeting the home-school, after-school, and public school that classrooms that uses woodworking to support academia.

You can find our eBay auction at the link below and more information about taking classes and supporting the school at wortheffort.com

LInk to eBay auction: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Seared-Turned-Wood-Pear-Bowl-wortheffort-woodworking-school-/181635472672?