w o r t h e f f o r t woodworking

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What is Kickstarter

Help Support the School Launch.

We have a Kickstarter campaign going to help fund the school!.

I've been asked 'what is Kickstarter?'

Officially it is an all or nothing crowdsourcing campaign that is an alternative for businesses seeking startup capital. All or nothing means if we don't reach our goals no donators are charged a donation. In reality it is a marketing method to sell our products. The hook is that the consumer learns where the proceeds of the sale are destinedand the seller doesn't have build inventory. So eliminates waste, increases efficiency, can lower cost and provides an added altruistic bonus to the consumer.

In our campaign our 'rewards' (what we're selling) are bowls, boxes, pens, bottle stoppers, door stoppers and an educational woodworking DVD. The proceeds of theses sales are going toward purchasing Audio Video equipment for the school. So 'sponsors' receive really well priced woodworking merchandise and also know that they are purchasing equipment that will be used for years to help educate students.

So please tell all your friends, we've got some great products available!


  Days Til the Grand Opening!